NYSEF is excited to kick off the new year by recognizing exemplary athletes for their achievements on and off the hill through the new Athlete of the Month program.

Gabby in flight during Flaming Leaves weekend. Photo provided.

Gabby in flight during Flaming Leaves weekend. Photo provided.

Athletes throughout the club will be highlighted for their accomplishments including community service, sportsmanship, academic & extracurricular achievement and athletic performance. Athletes of the Month will be featured in the Lake Placid News.

NYSEF has chosen nordic combined and cross-country athlete Gabby Armstrong as the inaugural NYSEF Athlete of the Month! Click here to read about Gabby.

Gabby Armstrong (R) alongside NYSEF and WSJUSA teammates Tara Geraghty-Moats (Center) and Nina Lussi (L) on the National Championship Podium, October 9, 2016.

Gabby Armstrong (R) alongside NYSEF and WSJUSA teammates Tara Geraghty-Moats (Center) and Nina Lussi (L) on the National Championship Podium, October 9, 2016.