Jane Baumer, a 17-year old, NYSEF/Northwood athlete and Rochester, N.Y. native, has a positive attitude despite her sustaining injuries both this season and last season. Before her setbacks, Jane wanted to continue ski racing competitively and left her hometown of Rochester (and home mountain, Hunt Hollow) to attend Northwood School.

From the beginning, Jane was determined to compete at the highest level and work hard during summer camps and dryland to be a leader of the NYSEF/Northwood team.

In February 2018, Jane faced her first injury at Empire State Games. In January 2019, Jane faced her second injury during training. Initially, Jane ‘felt angry and knew something was off.” Like many recently injured athletes, you create a negative bubble and realize your season can be over. For Jane, she knew she had to create a positive outlook to focus on her academics, friendships and ultimate love of snowsports.

While Jane has faced adversity with her injuries, she still feels a part of the NYSEF/Northwood team. Jane commented, “I am a skier…you cannot lose that.”

Jane’s surgeries are not over. Her goal for the next surgery is to “come out of it strong and positive.” For athletes facing injuries, Jane’s advice is “yes, you have your bad moments after an injury but it is not worth ruining your year and dwelling on the issue…focus your efforts on other things that make you happy.” Thankfully, Northwood (and Lake Placid) offer a wide range of activities throughout the year!

Although Jane is not on the hill every day, she is a leader by conquering her hardships through maturity and perseverance.

What is next for Jane? COLLEGE! Jane is looking at various colleges and hoping to ski for their club team.